Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I gots an I Pad and I made arts with it!

And I'm trying to blog from it. Feel free to not read this since it's really just a test post anyway. For example I need to test if I know how to use HTML to get all italic with this app.

I also need to see if I can figure out how picture adding works.

Woohoo! Picture added! Dunno if my italics worked yet though. That picture, btw, very first one drawn on my iPad. I know, it's spectacular. I also dre (edit: hey look! a typo!!) a park.

You might be wondering why it's so lonely in my park. That would because it came out looking fairly naturalistic when I draw people they look... Not naturalistic.

Let's try a photo!

Well I couldn't make the thing that said I could crop and scale work, so he's a bit cut off, and he's also REALLY poorly lit, and that was probably too many commas, that was definitely too many commas, but anyway that's my kitty Sebastian. You may remember him from such illustrated classics as...

Well actually I don't know how to get a drawing from one of my other posts and add it to this one on the iPad so you'll just have to go look at all my old blogs until you find one with a drawing that resembles Sebastian. I'll give you a hint - in the drawing he wont be in a box.

Hey, know what? If you actually do that I'll get a nice boot (edit: hey look another typo! Unless I want a boot in my views. I don't think boots read blogs though.) in blog views! That'd be cool for me, and you'll get to read all my other awesome words if you haven't already, so it's totally a win win situation.

I think I've tested all the tests I'd thought of so far now. I'll probably test some more later. For some reason I feel like I should sign this like it's an email. It's not an email, it's a blog. And even if I did want to sign it, I didn't address it to anyone, so it'd be weird. I should just stop writing now....

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