Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cleaning, Sleeping, and Squid

Sometimes I do dishes at 1:22 in the morning.

This usually happens because i have spent the preceding (# of days = < 5 but > 2) not particularly caring what my kitchen looked like. Then all of a sudden, at 1:21 in the morning, I decide that I care very fucking much what my kitchen looks like.

So I start collecting dishes from the counters and rinsing them in the sink. Then I open the dish washer and rearrange the dishes that are already in there because I live with boys and boys don't know how to load dishwashers. I put the silverware in the little silverware cubbies haphazardly because I don't care where they go since it doesn't affect how many of them can fit. But then feel bad about having put the silverware in haphazardly while I'm blogging and I consider going back and fixing it because I know Aaron doesn't like it when the forks are having a party in the spoon cubby. But I don't fix it because that would be ridiculous and it's not like he puts the plates and cups the way I want them and only one of us should be allowed to be neurotically OCD about dishes at a time.

I just realized there are 2 cups, a plate, and a mostly empty coke can on the coffee table. I'll be right back.

Since I was back in the kitchen anyway I decided I may as well clean all the counters with multi-purpose windex. I also put away most of the do-not-fit-in-the-dishwasher dishes that were in the dish drainer. I didn't put them all away because I am abnormally short and can't reach approximately half of my own kitchen cabinets.

I own a stepladder but I have an incomprehensible (<--- I spelled that right!) aversion to using it.

I have not taken out the garbage even though there is a lot of it and I'd really like for it to not be in my kitchen anymore. I haven't done this because it is now 1:58 in the morning and even though I'm pretty sure it's safe in the parking lot I can't be 100% sure it's not rapey out there. I can't be sure because we used to have a cool scooter and someone stole it. I figure people who steal cool scooters might also be rapers.

I don't usually blog after midnight. There might be a good reason for that, but I think this is going pretty well so far. At the very least it's keeping me from cleaning the rest of my apartment at 2am. Then again I don't really have a good reason not to clean at 2am when I'm awake anyway...

...Oh wait... I did have a good reason, I just forgot it. I want to listen to podcasts on my ipod speakers while I clean and I can't do that right now because Aaron is watching a show about squids.

I should probably take my sleepytime pill, because all evidence points to me being WAY too awake right now. Although there is a possibility the squid show will fix that. Shows that involve water usually put me to sleep.

Here's a picture from a while ago when I had a headache that I never figured out how to include in a post. I'm glad I just realized I don't need a reason to include it since it's pretty awesome and I'd hate to waste it.

I'm going to test the squid sleep theory now. If it doesn't work maybe I'll draw you another picture. Maybe it will be of a sleeping squid.

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