Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Love Affair with the Stick Figure

My love of stick figures began at a young age. I'm pretty sure I didn't come out of the womb drawing them, but as far as my memory is concerned I may as well have. The first type of drawings I can remember making looked something like this:

Giant heads with appendages exploding out of all sides, accompanied by artistic squiggles. Probably with less accurately placed faces. And if I'm gonna put my honesty hat on, it was still pretty fun to draw this way today. 

I went through a brief phase when I thought I might learn to draw things in a more realistic, less stick-like fashion. It didn't last. In the end I couldn't give up my simple stick figures. They're my favorite way of expressing just about anything. 

Since I'm a crazy person who never throws anything away I have some older stick people to share with you! The oldest one I know I still have (you never know what might turn up in an unpacked box) is this:

This masterpiece is on the backside of a Denny's placemat. I know that all the people depicted are friends, and that most of them were there that night, but none of us can exactly recall who's who. We have some pretty good guesses, but to protect the innocent I'll leave the names out. 

Another activity I'm very fond of is labeling things. 

You might have noticed that none of these people have faces. I can't really explain that.

Fun Fact: The girl with the exclamation point is NOT fond of snakes.

Fun Fact #2: That Denny's waiter has hair, I don't know why I drew him bald. He is wearing a hawaiian patterned coat thing. I know it doesn't look like that in the picture, but that's what it is. Trust me. 

After my career as a placemat illustrator, but before my venture into paint blogging, I had an interim position as a white board artist. This piece was commissioned by my friend Katie. Yes, that is a mailman delivering a cup of pee. I can't exactly say why because we don't even remember how this became a joke. My love of labeling is evident here.

This one was a note I left for my husband over at abandonist. There were a few things he needed to do and I felt that a stick drawing would really help him to remember them. 

This is actually two notes in one, which is why it was labeled NEW at some point. I'm pretty sure the part about calling the doctor came first, and when I wanted him to feed the cats the first note still applied so I didn't erase it. My cats are named Kitsu, Maybe, and Sebastian. Maybe and her dirty butt is a story for another blog. 

So, as you can see, I really like stick figures. I even already had a love of MS Paint from back in '95 when I played with it on my Compaq Presario. (I'm on a macbook pro now and I'm using a free app called Sketchbook Express, if anyone has a better app to recommend please comment!) I've also always fancied myself to be something of a writer. I think I might be better at fiction than blogging, but hey, I'm just getting started. 

So it might seem like it was inevitable that I'd find myself here, sitting on my couch for hours on end, drawing and writing, but that's actually not the case. It would never have even occurred to me to do this if I hadn't stumbled upon the blog Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh. It is the funniest most amazing little piece of interweb I've ever found, and I just wanted to make sure that if anyone ever actually reads this they know how crazy inspired I was by her work. It's about a billion million million times better than anything I'll ever write and if you've been living in a cave with no wifi for the past few years you should go read everything she's ever posted right now. 

So you went, right? I know, it was awesome. You're welcome. 

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